I Choose Me!

Choice: Mentally making a decision, judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one of those options.

 Hey Girl!!!

This week we will dive into the first Core Concept which is “Choice”. I remember when I was a child choice wasn’t used often in my household. I wasn’t given a choice to decide what to wear, eat, watch, etc. all those decisions were made for me. I honestly believe that’s why when I became an adult I wild out with my choices. LOL. Who can relate? I made choices to get drunk, party, eat whatever, not workout, wear what I wanted, and much more. (We will dig into that part of my life in another blog post) To be honest when I reached 18, I finally felt free, free from the decisions being made for me. Now, I know my guardians were doing their best with what they were taught. I do not blame them for any of the “bad” choices I made along the way. But it did teach me what not to do with my children. I allow my children the freedom to make some of their own choices with guided conversations. Okayyy…okay back to the original intention for this blog post.

Remember, you are in control of your life. As adults we decide everyday what time we will get our days started, what we will wear, where we will live, how we respond, and what we will eat. You are the “commander” of your body, it’s up to you to fuel it properly for your daily journey. One day I decided to take control of my life and make healthier lifestyle choices. I got tired of feeling tired. I got tired of secretly despising how I looked and felt. I hated shopping, nothing in the store would fit me. I didn’t want to walk to the park with my children in the spring or summer, it was too hot, and I hated to sweat. I didn’t find myself attractive with my clothes off and it affected my intimate relationship with my husband. He loved me at any size, but as a woman if we don’t feel sexy it affects how we respond to our mates. I was full of confidence in front of people but, secretly I dreaded getting dress. On September 8, 2014, I made the choice to do something about my weight. I decided that I was worth sacrificing a few nights on the couch, a few slices of pizza, a few cups of soda, to reach my ultimate goal of healthy.

 Choice has to outweigh your feelings, the choice you make today about your health and weight loss has to drive you to the finish line. When you make a choice to live a healthier life everything that you do from that day forth should help you towards the choice you made. It’s simple YOU must make the choice no one can make that choice for you.

 I know it is easier said then done as I continue to battle my daily choices. This journey is not about perfection but about progress. Make small choices everyday that align with your overall health goals. There will be good days, struggle days, and just plain bad days the key is to choose not to dwell on the bad days. When I first decided to write this, I was down 86 pounds and kept it off for 2 years here I am 5 years later, and I’ve gained back 39 pounds. I knew it was time to go back to the basics, what got me to a place of consistency, what allowed me to focus, how did I achieve my goals. I decided to revisit the foundation I laid for myself seven years ago starting with making a Choice! Deciding to start!

 In life we are all given the opportunity to make choices. Every choice leads to a result. What choices are you making today? Do they align with your goals?