I Choose Me!

This week we will dive into the first Core Concept which is “Choice”. I remember when I was a child choice wasn’t used often in my household. I wasn’t given a choice to decide what to wear, eat, watch, etc. all those decisions were made for me. I honestly believe that’s why when I became an adult I wild out with my choices. LOL. Who can relate? I made choices to get drunk, party, eat whatever, not workout, wear what I wanted, and much more. (We will dig into that part of my life in another blog post) To be honest when I reached 18, I finally felt free,

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I am a woman, corporate professional, wife, and mother that decided to focus on becoming healthier me. During that phase of my life I was able to lose a total of 86 pounds naturally. To date I am maintaining and still losing weight by simply changing my lifestyle. (HA! HA!) Who am I kidding?!!! That statement was true when I first started writing this blog post close to 5 years ago, as of today I’ve gained about 39 pounds. Girlllahhh!!


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