
I am a woman, corporate professional, wife, and mother that decided to focus on becoming a healthier me. During that phase of my life I was able to lose a total of 86 pounds naturally. To date I am maintaining and still losing weight by simply changing my lifestyle. (HA! HA!) Who am I kidding?!!! That statement was true when I first started writing this blog post close to 5 years ago, as of today I’ve gained about 39 pounds. Girlllahhh!! Yes, you read that last sentence correctly. I am a whole hot mess!! I’ve started and stopped writing this blog so many times. Don’t judge me, I did not edit or proofread this post before I hit publish. Listen, I had two choices, wait for it to be perfect (another 5 years) or just publish it. I went with option number 2. (Yeah Me!!!) I must be honest I am terrified! The internet is so cruel! Lawd, I am NOT ready! LOL! Let me refocus, but before I do, SIS!!! Yes, YOU!! We need to talk. Can you make a commitment to just do “it” this week??? Only you know what your “it” is.

We will talk about this topic in another blog post. Well girl, life happened and I lost my love for fitness and shifted my focus to other things. When I first decided to get healthy back in 2014, I gave it my all and decided to coach about 2k women on their journey. I was able to maintain my weight loss success for 2 plus years. To achieve my weight loss goals I made simple changes to my diet, increased my workout activity, and most importantly changed my mindset.

Growing up in the United States and living during a time when convenience is very important. Everyone wants everything quick fast and in a hurry. I think back to the year 2006 when I got married. I weighed 170 pounds and my husband was about 205 pounds. At that time, we were considered to be overweight, even though we didn’t look or feel heavy. Over the years we continued to eat fast food, have children, and sometimes we were just plain lazy. During that time frame, I gained about seventy-two pounds and my husband gained about eighty pounds.


Thinking back, it was like we were a part of a medical experiment trying to determine who can gain the most weight. During our second year of marriage; we ate fast food and or takeout every day for an entire year. Yes 365 days breakfast, lunch, and dinner was take-out, whether it was going out to eat at a restaurant or calling to place a to-go order. We ate late at night and many times went straight to sleep. It seemed we were always on the go and eating out was convenient and easy. Even after having children we continued to eat out occasionally.


Like most people I have started and stopped many times trying to achieve weight loss and working to get myself back to healthy. But I just could not seem to stick with it. There are thousands of weight loss books, manuals, videos, and methods and being honest I have tried quite a few of them. They seem to be short lived for me, I needed something that I can apply to every area of my life.


In this 4-week blog post I will detail the core concepts that I use to help me along my journey. Again, by writing this, by no means do I suggest that I am a professional weight loss expert, but like many other efforts in life sometimes you just need help getting started.


The key to living a successful life is having the right mindset. Change starts with how you think. If you think defeated, you have already lost the battle. I know healthy living is challenging, but it is obtainable and so worth it. Use this to jumpstart your new journey to healthy living and weight loss.


I used these five core concepts to assist me on my journey. Over the next 4 weeks I will share how each of these Core Concepts played a role in my success.

Core Concepts:

1. Choice

2. Determination

3. Focus

4. Commitment

5. Faith

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